Events and Workshops
Pi Day
March 14th 2024
This Pi Day, we explored infinity with three math enthusiast groups. Participants approximated Pi through hands-on activities like the "3 1/7 of a diameter", folding paper and though, and performing Buffon's Needle experiment. They even created art connecting concepts such as circle packing and infinity. One group baked apple pies inspired by their designs! Thanks to Bridges to Science for sponsoring some of these at the North Channel Public Houston Library and our MttP location.
The year of the
Solids of revolution and volumes.
What a great day at the Kendall Library! We all learned about length, area and volume. Our enthusiastic participants explored the relation between cubic centimeters and ounces, and how to calculate the volume of a cylinder. They added various cylinders with a very small heigth, to find volumes of larger solids. One of them being the dragon they constructed.
They also solve some puzzles involving graph theory, algebra and geometry.
Thank you all for your participation!
Mathematicians through time.
Series #2: Hypatia of Alexandria
We had lots of fun interviewing Hypatia, who told us how she discover and fell in love with mathematics. Hyaptia explained to us how important was for her to share her knowledge as a teacher to all who wanted to learn, no matter their background or social status. She was an amazing teacher, who was loved and respected by all her students, but the other philosophers and mathematicians of her time. Hypatia showed us how to construct an ellipse and the meaning of sum of focal radii. As an extra she explained the use of the astrolobe in the study of the stars. Our participants were young, but very intereseted in learning the math behind the stars, thank you for joining us this great day!